Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fakta CinCenCen - eps,12

Fakta film Cinta Cenat Cenut episode 12 di TransTV , kalo ga salah nnti Rangga bakalan dipenjara :( karna udah nyulik si Putri , Morgan meninggal :'( gatau juga nnti meninggalnya karena apa , Putri sama Rafael akhirnya tunangan :) , Rena (ANTIS) jadian sama Bisma (SMASH) :) , Dan ternyata Rena itu adiknya Morgan :)

*Ralat Fakta film Cinta Cenat Cenut episode 12 di TransTV

Morgan ga jadi meninggal , soalnya Rena udh donorin darahnya buat Morgan :) *alhamdulillah*
Rangga juga ga jd masuk penjara , karena keluarganya udh maafin dia sekaligus untuk nutupin aib keluarga RUSDIANTORO
Selama di rumah sakit, Putri selalu nemenin Morgan :)

Makanya, supaya ga ketinggalan cerita seru nya Cinta Cenat Cenut saksikan terus Cinta Cenat Cenut hanya di TransTV ;) malam ini, 06 Mei 2011 hari terakhir SM*SH Syuting CintaCenatCenut :'(

Jadwal SM*SH - NEW !!

-30 April : Gandaria City pukul 19.00 WIB (ga ditayangin di TV)

-1 Mei : Epicentrum Walk Kuningan pukul 12.00 WIB

-7 Mei : Karnaval SCTV pukul 22.30 WIB

-8 Mei : Hip-Hip Hura pukul 15.00 WIB

-10 Mei : Trans Tv pukul 19.30 WIB

-31 Mei : Pocong Cenat Cenut

-30 Juni : Film Layar Lebar Sm*sh "Satukan Hati dan Semangat"

-27 Oktober : I Heart You

Sewaktu-waktu jadwal dapat berubah :) maaf yakk ? ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

BM Penting ;)

  Kalo BM nya lemot jangan minta PING sama orang lain. Karna PING itu bukan untuk biar BM ga lemot, PING buat kalo orang lama balas BM nya.
  Tips agar BB kita ga lemot dan kinerjanya tetap lancar dan stabil, karena BB bukan hape biasa, tetapi sebuah SMARTPHONE. Tips ini berlaku untuk semua type BB, baik Curve, Pearl, Bold maupun Storm. Berikut tipsnya :

1. Usahakan tiap 2-3 hari sekali, cabut/lepas batere BB dan diamkan selama 1-2 menit, ini fungsinya untuk membuang dan menghapus sisa-sisa file yang tidak terpakai akibat proses chatting maupun browsing.

2. Lakukan secara rutin Clear Log Event dengan cara tekan tombol ALT + L G L G , akan muncul dilayar hasil log, tekan tombol logo BB (disamping trackpad) , pilih Clear Log (jika bhs inggris), atau Bersihkan Log (jika bhs indonesia), tekan Delete.

3. Lakukan juga secara rutin Cleaning Memory , dengan cara , Options > Security Options > Cleaning Memory > tekan tombol logo BB (disamping trackpad) > Clean Now.

4. Tiap 2-3 hari sekali , lakukan lah Host Routing Table , dengan cara pilih Oprions , Advance Options , pilih Host Routing Table , tekan tombol logo BB (disamping trackpad) , pilih Register Now.

5. dan setelah step ke4 diatas , lakukan juga tiap 2-3 hari sekali Diagnostic Test , ini sangat penting. Karena lewat inilah kelihatan dilayar apakah BB kita terkoneksi semua, baik PIN , Register maupun koneksi Email. Dengan cara, pilih Options > Mobile Network > tekan logo BB (disamping trackpad) > Diagnostic Test > tekan logo BB (disamping trackpad) > RUN , biarkan sampai berjalan complete, jika hasil proses ada yang Abort, ulangi lagi agar hasil jangan sampai ada yang Abort

Itulah tips-tips agar kinerja BB kita lancar, stabil dan tidak lemot. Semoga bermanfaat.. Ingat, tips diatas bukan cuma diusahakan dilakukan, tetapi HARUS, agar BB lancar dan tidak lemot. Karena BB bukan HP GSM biasa, BB (BlackBerry) adalah SMARTPHONE :) Thanks ;)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Link Lagu SM*SH ;)

Hey guys :)
ini aku pengen berbagi alamat link tempat untuk nge-download lagu SM*SH :)

maaf yah guys, baru dua link ini nih :)
ntar, kalo ada lagi bakal aku cepet ngasih tau temen-temen lagi deh ;)
sipsip :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Pengakuan salah satu Bismaniac ttg hubungan Bisma dan Pramudina

Bisma with Pramudina (di ujung kanan, foto kecil) melalui webcam
@Pramudina <= account twitter (ava)
@Bismakarisma <= account twitter (ava)

Pramudina (Left) Bisma (right)
 hehe :D maaf just copas gambarnya, eheh, jangan lupa juga untuk para bismaniacs or smashblast untuk follow twitter kak Bisma @bismakarisma dan kak Pramudina @pramudina + jgn lupa juga follow twitter ku @hasriiii :D makasihh

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Nama asli : Muhammad Ilham Fauzi 
Nama beken : Ilham
Tempat/tanggal lahir : Kendari, 29 Agustus 1995
Zodiak : Virgo
Penyanyi Favorit : Gita Gutawa, Hayley Nichole Williams
Lagu Favorit : That's What You Get–Paramore
Jajanan favorit : French Fries khas SMAN1 dan chicken katsu
Impian sukses : Pengen jadi anak shaleh untuk orang tua dan bisa terkenal, pengen bikin video klip dengan Hayley Nichole Williams
Pertama kali on stage : Kid’s Choice Award Nickelodeon
Artis cewek favorit : Putri Titian
Tidak disukai : Menunggu

Agama : Islam 
Sekolah : SMAN 1 Bandung
Cita-cita : Artis
Awal karir : 2010 sebagai penyanyi
Anak ke : 2 dari 3 bersaudara (kakak pertama Reza SM*SH)
Tinggi badan : 170 cm
Berat badan : 56 kg
Warna favorit : Hijau
Hobi : Bernyanyi, berenang dan dance
Sinetron : Cinta Cenat Cenut sebagai Ilham 

Twitter Account : @ilhamfauzie

  Ilham mulai kenalan sama dance sejak kelas 5 SD. Selain sibuk dengan kegiatan sekolahnya, cowok yang ga suka makan sayuran ini juga merupakan atlet beladiri dan renang. Sama kayak Dicky, kemampuan nyanyi Ilham hanya sebatas penyanyi kamar mandi, sebelum ditraining di SM*SH.
  Kalo ngomong soal prestasi, adik dari Reza ini meraih beberapa mendali dari cabang beladiri yang digelutinya. Ilham meraih mendali emas di kejuaraan daerah beladiri Kempo. Dia juga dapet mendali emas di kejuaraan nasional. Sayang di tahun berikutnya dia cuman nyebet mendali perak di kejuaraan nasional yang sama.

By : majalah Gadis

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jadwal SM*SH_17-22 april 2011

Nih, jadwal Sm*sh dari tanggal 17 sampai 22 april 2011 .. tapi maaf, baru tanggal dan tempatnya ajah.. waktunya saya belom tau, ntar kalo ada perubahan bakal saya update/edit secepatnya ;)

17 April 2011 @HipHipHura SCTV ; 15.00WIB

18 April 2011 @DahSyat RCTI

19 April 2011 @Inbox SCTV

20 April 2011 @Derings ANTV

22 April 2011 @Obsesi GLOBALTV ; 09.30 WIB
                      @Mantap ANTV ; 13.00 WIB
                      @CintaCenatCenut TransTV ; 20.00 WIB
seharian penuh bakalan cenat cenut :D hehe

don't miss it ;) (y)

makasihh :) maaf yah kalo salah :)


Nama asli : Bisma Karisma
Nama beken : Bisma
Tempat/tanggal lahir : 27 November 1990
Zodiak : Sagitarius
Penyanyi Favorit : Jason Mraz, Chris Brown, Hyun Ah
Lagu Favorit : All Songs
Artis Wanita Favorit : Poppy Zovia, Zoev Deschanel
Impian sukses : Jadi musisi dan sutradara
Makanan Favorit : Cuankie, pecel, ice chocolate, teh manis
Pertama manggung / 1st on stage : Puma Ground Zero
Hal yang tidak disukai : kedinginan, debu, dibohongi, basa basi Agama : Islam
Bisma with Odoth
Nama kuliah : UNIKOM Bandung
Jurusan : DVK
Cita-cita : Seniman
Awal karir : 2000 sebagai dancer dan breakdancer
Anak ke : 2 dari 2 bersaudara
Warna favorit : Hitam dan Merah
Tinggi badan : 169 cm
Berat badan : 54 kg
Sinetron : Cinta Cenat Cenut , sebagai Bisma Rusdiantoro

Hewan peliharaan : Monyet bernama Odoth
  Bisma besar sebagai penari hip-hop jalanan. Cowok penyuka pecel ayam ini udah mulai mengeluti dunia breakdancer sejak kelas 5 SD. Nama Bisma udah terkenal di kalangan dancer Bandung. Prestasi yang doi raih sama kayak Rangga, yang udah sampe luar Indonesia. Pas jadi juara 1 di Let's Dance dan jadi best Dancer di acara yang sama, cowok yang benci sushi dan make-up ini berangkat ke Jepang buat acara Let's Dance Goes to Japan dan dapat Juara 3. Amazing !!
Selain berkibar di dunia dance, Bisma juga terjun ke dunia modeling. Dia pernah jadi modelnya merk Endorse by Spyderbilt International Cloth. Bisma juga ikut Belia Look di tahun 2006 dan keluar sebagai Runner Up. Jadi ga heran banyak cewek yang tergila-gila sama cowok berbehel yang mengidolakan Poppy Sovia ini.
  Taste of Music juga udah dipunyai Bisma dari dulu. Cowok yang ngaku banyak kehilangan berat badan sejak sibuk di SM*SH ini pernah jadi drummer sebuah band rock. Selain itu, Bisma juga pernah tergabung di grup band lainnya bergenre rock jazz dan dia megang instrument perkusi sekalian vokalis.

By:majalah gadis

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The reason Justin Bieber choosing Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber
Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber, who just turned 17 years old on March 1, yesterday, finally willing to open up and reveal his secret to People magazine. When asked what makes this teen idol chose the Latin star, Selena, Bieber replied, "He is a very good girl, and I think he has a most charming smile in the world."
In fact, if viewed from justin fans, certainly a lot of beautiful women he can choose untu be girlfriend.

Justin with Selena
Cash only this statement makes many female fans heartbroken Justin Bieber instantly.

"He's sexy. Of course all men love sexy girls, like Selena, "said Bieber. That's just the time anyway? "I like menjahili and joking with everyone, so I like to be around people who can make me laugh and share jokes with him. Selena person, of course, "he added.

However, when Bieber should be in England to undergo the tour, apparently the charm of English girls did not escape his notice. "Here there are many pretty girls. I think Emma Watson is quite lovely. I also always saying how beautiful and sexy Cheryl Cole. If he was younger, would have me take a date, "he concluded. Whew :O hehe :Dlol

Biography about Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez with Demi Lovato
Full name  : Selena Marie Gomez
Nickname : Sel or Selly
Height       : 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Her favorite subject : Science
Favorite sport : Basketball
Her role model and favorite actress : Rachel McAdams
Her favorite band : Paramore
Her favorite shoes : Converse
Her celebrity crush : Shia LaBeouf
Favorite snack : chocolate chip cookies

Selena Gomez was born and raised in Grand Prairie, Texas. Her mother Amanda [Commonly known as Mandy] Cornett is an Italian woman from Dallas, Texas and her father Ricardo Gomez is from New Mexico. Mommy Mandy gave birth for Selena at 16, and her parents divorced in 1997. Nearly 10 years later she remarried with Brian Teefy. Selena is best known for her role as Alex Russo in the show 'Wizards Of Waverly Place' and as Mary in 'Another Cinderella Story'. Selena signed a record deal with Hollywood Records just before her 16th birthday and is recording an album due out Summer of 2009.

She became interested in acting after watching her mom, Mandy Cornett.
She adopted her dog named Chip from an animal shelter.
Has four dogs - Chip, Willy, Fina and Wallace.
She enjoys cheerleading, surfing and skateboarding.
Her best friends are Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift.
Is an only child.
Is learning how to play guitar, drums and piano because she wants to be in her own band.
Wears a purity ring that says "True Love Waits".
She is of Mexican and Italian heritage.
Her mom gave birth to her at the age of 16.
Her parents divorced when she was 5 years old.
She is named after Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla-Perez.
She took part in Disney Channel's Earth Day celebration.
Her first appearance on Radio Disney was on October 26, 2007.
Although she straightens it, Selena was born with naturally curly black hair.
She went to Danny Jones Middle School located in Texas.
Her name 'Selena' means Moon in Greek.
She is a huge fan of Johnny Depp and Lady Sovereign.
She and best friend Demi Lovato have matching guitar pick necklaces.
Both her family and Fernanda Romero are from the same town in Mexico.
Has a YouTube show with her best friend Demi Lovato called "The Demi and Selena Show".
Has a song written and sung about her on YouTube called "Selena Gomez" by Greg Kurka.
Friend of Jennifer Stone and Jeremy Sumpter.
Involved with the charity Raise Hope for Congo which helps raise awareness about the violence against Congolese women.
Participated in the "Runway for Life" benefit for St. Jude's Children Research Hospial. [2008]
Was named the youngest ambassador to UNICEF at age 17 (2009).
Good friends with Vanessa Hudgens,Sara Paxton, Taylor Lautner, Samantha Droke, Dylan Sprouse and Cole Sprouse.
Is close friends with Justin Bieber.
Previously in a relationship with Nick Jonas from The Jonas Brothers.
Lead singer of the band Selena Gomez & The Scene.
In a relationship with Justin Bieber as of 2010.
Selena and her mom, Mandy Cornett (Teefey), said good bye to friends and family in Grand Prairie, Texas to start a new Life in Los Angeles after hearing the life changing news of Selena's new role on Wizards of Waverly Place.
Is a fan of Britney Spears and considers Britney to be one of her idols.
Selena with Justin

At a young age, she moved from New York to Grand Prairie, Texas. Giving birth to Selena at 16, her mom Mandy recalls living "paycheck-to-paycheck". Selena started out on "Barney & Friends" (1992) as "Gianna" in 2001 where she really discovered her talent. Unfortunately, they dropped her from the series after just two years. In 2003, she had a very small role in the movie Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) and a bit part in 2005 when she played "Julie" in Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (2005) (TV) with Mitchel Musso and in 2006 as "Emily Grace Garcia" in Brain Zapped (2006) (TV) when she recorded a song for the movie. She she guest starred as "Gwen" in "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" (2005) and as Hannah's rival, the 'evil' "Mikayla", in "Hannah Montana" (2006). Selena's amazing talent landed her roles in two Disney series, both spin-offs. Unfortunately, neither show was picked up until 2007 when she got the role of "Alex Russo" in the magical series "Wizards of Waverly Place"  (2007) which she auditioned for three times. In March 2008, she made her first animated movie Horton Hears a Who! (2008) and later starred in Another Cinderella Story  (2008) (V) with Disney Channel star Andrew Seeley for ABC Family. Her two Disney Channel Original Movies Princess Protection Program  (2009) (TV), with real-life BFF Demi Lovato, and Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie (2009) (TV) will both air Summer 2009.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Video Sm*sh 1year anniv_buatan admin SB :)

Temen-temen pada liat video kreasi buatan kak admin sb dehh, ini link nya :
keren tauu ! aku beri empat jempol deh buat kakak* admin sb yg udah buat video ini :D kalian kasih jempol juga yahh :D hehehe

oh iyah, aku mo ngucapin juga HAPPY 1year ANNIVERSARY (maaf kalo salah tulis:D) buat SM*SH , sukses selalu yahh ;) (y) aminn ! terus berkarya :D


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